Monday, October 18, 2010

Review of Notebook, Quarter 1

To be honest I feel like I have not been quite up to par with my previous quarters of writing, particularly with regards to the notebook, this year in English. It is not however, for lack of trying.

I have felt almost out of my element in these recent class discussions, and am loving it. I've spent so much time on the idea of Shakespearean tragic heroes, with distinct differences from our Greek ones. Though frankly I prefer the darker, arguably more telling of human nature 17th century version, our study of the tragic hero has made me quite an intrigued pupil. I haven't felt like I am contributing much to the class discussion, however. Blocking off both anything from my reaction and preconditioned connections, as well as anything pertaining you the author's intent, I feel limited in my ability to discuss literature. I'm learning, though.

I hate taking notes, it detracts from my ability to focus on class discussion, and its products will never properly resurrect the information I lost due to such distraction. I have not taken good notes. I feel like if I was to respond to the material outside of class on my own time I would be able to focus more effort, be more thorough. Though I have worked to satisfy all of our classroom entries, and indeed am proud of some of these, I feel like I could do better. I greatly enjoy writing, not so much note taking. I would certainly say that the entires have helped me really establish and build my thoughts on the works and subjects we discuss.

The occasional blog entries this quarter have all been thought out, though still, I hold my writing to high standards, I am never satisfied. I feel like as we move into this poetry unit My old knowledge is leading into my new learnings about these sonnets quite nicely, and my writings about each poem reflect appropriately.

I'll probably talk to you about notes and entries soon. I'd like to improve upon myself, as always.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

On the Religion of Things Fall Apart

While our studies on Okonkwo focuses primarily on his development and fall as a Greek tragic hero, I was greatly distracted from this reading the book because i was intrigued to see the customs of a modern pagan tradition. I haven't been satisfied with much of my writing this quarter, and so I would like to add an entry on what has truly been rolling through my mind.

Observing the natural development of human civilization, one will note that religion adapts and gains complexity as needed for the society. Nomadic hunter-gatherer cultures tended to have shamanic systems, recognizing that the spirits of each land differed, with holy people who could reach out through ancient wisdom and commune with the web of life to aid in hunts, healing, and tribal decisions. As people settled down, the Penates (household gods) of each people settled down, and became a defining characteristic of its society, holding traditions and ties to ancestors.

This is where we see the peoples of Nigeria. There are later phases, where a religion believing itself to be one and true is needed for empire, and still after when diversity of the religion sustains democratic ideal. Neither are present for our discussion.

Now I am not certain the author has bent the religion much to serve his purposes, this would require rather obscure research to determine exactly what changes might have been made. Despite this, Achebe manages to integrate it well into the plot of his story. The use of the oracle since classic times as either a plot instigator or point of controversy. Oedipus itself, for example, a key integration of the divine through prophecy and the will of the gods without any actual deus ex machina.

Take for example the Oracle's prophecy of the death of Ikemefuna, or the ogbanje. While neither of these things are particularly key to the plot, or even the circumstances around them (Killing Ikemefuna without believing to some degree it was because the oracle said he should would not be much of a step from Okonkwo's current state of mind, and has the same effect on his development). However, they both add to the complexity and gravity of the situation to the characters.

Okonkwo's loyalty to his clan's ancestors and gods is reminiscent of Roman Pietas. His resistance to the Christian barbarians is noble, and commendable. In a way it increases pity brought on him towards the end, furthering his tragic nature.

I'm particularly fascinated by the custom of the egwugqu, as real world ritual met with the supernatural so realistically, so significantly, to the people of Umofia. Such sacred a communion I do not feel we have a like in our society. The desecration of one of these masked spirits was the beginning of the end for the religion of the tribe, and thus Okonkwo. This sacred tradition is key, therefore, to the plot of the story, though not per se, merely the interruption of a sacred tradition in general.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the world" Response

(My thoughts before group discussion)

My first impression of Esteban and his reception amongst the village is rather Jungian. Esteban, being a lifeless corpse, is ideal to receive the projections of people's shadows placed on it. Both the children and adults impose a character onto him for both their own personal satisfaction and the greater good of the village.

I was quick to draw a connection to the short story "Will you Always Love Me," which we read in Benedict's last year. The author discusses what love truly is in a relationship. She suggests that we fall in love with the unknown in a person, for it allows us to substitute and explore our own personal subconscious. However, in a relationship, eventually there is less and less room for unknown. however Esteban has no objections or identity to his own; thus he is the perfect person for the village with whom to have a relationship.

This is how heroes and legends are born, out a single anomaly onto which humankind may bestow its oceanic imagination. culture is formed from the projections of our collective unconscious unified by the common experiencing of profound and unique events. The final narrative in this story bring into perspective how the coming of Esteban allowed the villagers to be great. In a way, this is a parody of all the world's other Messiahs, legends such as Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad and how by the will of the collective people they are exalted to become avatars of human ideal. However the author clearly does not seek to mock those of worship, only to glorify the imaginative prowess of mankind.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


What freedom exactly are we talking about? It is a difficult concept to render. In theory at the exclusion of law, we are able to do as we will, within realm of possibility for animals of our stature. However the most fundamental bindings I find on us are the ones we put on ourselves.

To begin, Civilization necessitates servitude. With civilization comes power, as a social species we can only accomplish so much as an individual, as soon as we are plural and working together, our power over the world increases. Thus in a way, new freedoms are gained, we may do things previously beyond our reach by physical capacity. However, old ones are lost, as we are now responsible for the people with whom we are cooperating.

Morals, whether instinctual, conditioned, imposed by law or mere consequences imposed by others, will come into play. It is a contest of powers, even if we decide to regard no code, our power over others is limited by their power over themselves. I may not simply go up to my neighbor and make him dance, he has that power over himself. We are limited in our ability to control others. As they attempt to hold power, land, personal space, property, rights, they take away our power. All human beings limit each other's freedom in providing competition. Even in the absence of laws, respect, ethics or any other restraints, this principle still remains.

Human advancements are simply an extension of this principle, though we are capable of accomplishing even more. Trade gave us more opportunity as we contacted other cultures, but it also opened us up to the competition in between states. Inventions such as the internet which aid communications grant us expanded power of interaction, but further limits our personal capacity to control others as they gain the same opportunity.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"The Grand Inquisitor" Response

First off, I am quite pleased by the notes from today's class, I really want to start observing literature, rather than perceiving it. I have made my best efforts to apply these techniques to my reading of "The Grand Inquisitor."

First off, the poem within the story draws me in greatly, and is interesting because although it has a very biblical feel with its tales and metaphors, it also seems rather familiar in the present day, with so much condemnation in our modern society (perhaps one of those things that transcends age). I may only feel the latter because i am a very arcane kind of person, Machiavellian as well. Some points are there which I find very true about religion and mankind prima facie, even not trying to apply outside opinions, simply looking at the language I'm not outraged. The poem is powerful, though not in any particular meter I can discern, though eventually it does reach the point where I am thinking exactly what Alyosha is by the time he accuses Ivan of writing an extremely biased piece of work.

The shift between the poem and dialouge shakes me up a bit, the poem draws me in as a reader very much, and leaving it is almost disappointing. However, the directly relatable position of Alyosha is rather helpful. I'm not sure what to look at in the language here, and I'm not sure why he is so fixated on returning to talk to Ivan, perhaps I'm missing something. I look forward to our class discussion on this.

Someone did not return my lent copy of the Grand Inquisitor from class, so I was forced to take a copy without the italicized temptations online, but as a raised catholic I know my Bible inside and out, and the three temptations correspond from Jesus's Lenten temptations from the devil in the desert, turning stones to bread, being rescued by angels, and to rule mankind. What was interesting about them was the intention though, the Inquisitor is a different kind of Satan. His language is very lordly, very godlike though. It is in its essence a very Christian writing of the corrupt empire, Rome just as it was before. In essence, Christianity just gave empire a new tool of rule.

Friday, September 3, 2010

"The Riddle of Poetry" Thoughts

This is one of those pieces with which I have sought to keep an open mind. One of my greatest fears with literature is spitting forth pre-conditioned responses out of genuine conditioning or a sense of arrogant correctness. This is a new perspective of poetry for which I would like to adopt and understanding.

Firstly, I certainly approve of any man's thoughts with the humility to say that he offers no answers, bearing witness to something far greater than himself. My world was thoroughly disturbed with his discussions on the unimportance of the classics themselves in favor of the experiences any poetic art is capable of evoking. As a scholastic warrior in the conflict between antiquity and modernity, it took some effort to listen to what the author had to offer here, and it is a rather inspiring message. At least he says he hopes he is wrong. I'm revisiting poems that have seemed of gravity to me previously under this idea that "Art happens."

His point about language constantly shifting is quite valid, and the evolution of language is of particular interest to me, while still not being something I an go off on a pre-conditioned tangent about. Being a Latin fanatic, how all these barbaric languages came to be from a logical and perfect tongue is quite interesting. Is there a particular reason languages change? My main theory has always been isolation, the Dark Ages had plenty of that, but we've lost that with the internet so language is growing more standardized. But the peculiarities the author point out raise further questions, I hope to discuss this in some class, whether English, Latin, or History.

The author treads on dangerous ground discussing the Holy Ghost and It's influence on writing, he seems to imply that it is inherent as the Jungian subconscious as opposed to a transcendental divine, which while something I completely agree with is certainly a potential for offense among the close-minded God-fearers. Most interesting though, was his attempt to define poetry, and notes on our ability to define it as opposed to all other manner of things both similar and abstract. The thoughts that result from that is why these things are fundamental to our existence, poetry is not a pure form of human expression, it must be filtered, refined, sculpted, rather than felt. Anything such as that is not a natural part of the human mind. It, like certain aspects of culture and academic are build in-between minds, passed on from one generation to the next, rather than being inherent.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Who Says Words with my Mouth response

The first thing that called my attention to this poem were the lines,

"My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that,
And I intend to end up there"

This is an extremely Western thought principle that seems to fundamental to our society that it is often mistaken for the natural feelings of humankind. Eastern Tradition is founded on the idea of internal divinity, the idea that the entire world is Brahman, one divine being. The Western Stoic and Judaic thought inspired the idea that the divine exists outside of the world, manipulating something unholy and foul, the concept that we come into this world, as opposed to emerging out of it like a plant.

We go around with the idea that we do not belong here, not a part of the world,

"I could break out of this prison of drunks.
I didn't come here of my own acord, and I can't
leave that way
Whoever brought me here will have to take me

We look up expecting answers, as in the beginning, I certainly do that, and this can prove to be a problem, but the author realizes the solution in the final stanza. Poetry, us pouring fourth ideas from our inner soul. One way or another, the entirety of our thoughts and culture from from our own minds, the human subconscious.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Opening Entry

Salve(te)! Sum Pius Petrus! Otherwise known as Peter (PJ) Larson.

I have elected the blog option reluctantly, as my arcane habits lend more towards my personal method of journal keeping: handwritten Latin. I find anyone capable of deciphering my near fluent Latin writing as worthy to understand my private intellectual musings. Don't be mistaken by this, however, a major persona of mine is one of elitist intellectualism and arrogance. On a deeper level perhaps I am condoning of those who instead of dedicating their lives to pondering contribute a more practical perspective to society. Each person adds a new point of view if not to society at least to the lives of those around them. Tolerance is a natural prerequisite to enlightenment.

My primary reason for adopting an electronic medium for my journal is simply that my handwriting is not convenient to read, and it would not be a courteous gesture when given the option otherwise to subject a reader to such.

My favorite novel? Certainly that would be Brave New World. It has been in that place since I first read it summer of eighth grade. Before that I cannot place a memory of a novel I liked anything close to being deemed as a favorite. It's what opened my eyes to what it means to be human. If we read it this year, I will be a major contributor to class discussion (well, more so than usual).

In sophomore year for our penultimate project we got to do book groups, so not only did I organize one for Brave New World, but also started an empire and conquered other groups, coercing them into reading it as well. Eventually Mrs. Smith had to halt our expansion at half the class. (On a separate note, as you will see, Empire is the art for me).

I couldn't possibly even outline all of my thoughts on it here. I suppose what I shall say is that for me it demonstrates to us the fundamental question we all must ask ourselves in how much we are willing to compromise our quest for meaning and enlightenment for the comfort of denial and pleasure. But there is far more to it than that, it makes us consider what makes us truly human. Please accuse Huxley of elitism and resistance to change, but I think he was getting at things more deeply. I certainly agree on some level with the potentially elitist point that a life without art, science, and thought is not one worth living. It gives me directive to always make my life as rich and without platitude and conditioning as possible. In addition it helps with an exploration of the self, reminds us to question the base of our identity, whether it is conditioning we received as a child or genetic ingrained talent.

I am an outstanding presence, you will know me shortly as our year begins in a good way and I believe we will get along quite well. I look forward to continuing this electronic journal.